Certification Process
- Successful candidates will be issued an IRACS certificate at their level assessed, which indicates that all conditions for certification, as detailed in the present specification document, are met. Issue of certification normally takes place within 3 weeks from the date of the examination.
- IRACS shall provide a hard copy certificate, which is designed to reduce the risk of forgery, to all certified persons. The certificate shall be authorized by a responsible person of IRACS, which shall maintain sole ownership of the certificates.
For recertification of any levels, all applicants shall submit the application of examination and certification along with the following documents which is subject to verification. Applicants shall only be allowed for examination upon approval by IRACS.
- Training record (Training completion certificate)
- Record of work experience. (All the filled pages of IRACS Log book)
- Records of complaints. (Complaint pages of IRACS Log book even if there is no complaint recorded)
- Medical evaluation form (F – 37)
- Any valid identity proof with photo issued by Government.
- Regulatory requirements
- Changes to normative documents
- Changes in the relevant scheme requirements
- The nature and maturity of the industry in which the certified person is working
- The risks of incompetent persons working in the industry Ongoing changes in technology and requirements for certified persons
- The frequency and content of surveillance activities
- In accordance with the certification scheme, recertification by IRACS involves Confirmation of continuing satisfactory work and work experience record
- Examination of knowledge and physical capability in relation to the competence concerned.
- The recertification activities are adequate to ensure that there is an impartial examination to confirm the continuing competence of the certified person.
- To ensure continuity, it is advisable to undergo required training and examination prior to certificate expiry.
- In the event of nonappearance of the recertification examination before the expiry date or failure in a recertification examination, IRACS will immediately cancel the certificate concerned. The cancellation of the certificate will not affect the eligibility of the candidate to attempt the examination again.
Suspension & Withdrawal Of Certification
- IRACS has enforceable arrangements with the certified person to ensure that in case of withdrawal of certification the certified person refrains from use of all references to a certified status, and from further promotion of their certification.
- Failure to resolve the issues that have resulted in the suspension in a time established by IRACS shall result in withdrawal of the certification or reduction of the scope of certification
Validity & Revalidation Of Certification
- IRACS certification for all levels is valid for 3 years from the date of IRACS examination.
- If the certification expires, the technician shall not carry any work using the expired certificate.
- For revalidation of certification, candidates can attend training and examination three months prior to expiry date of current certification.
- If any technician not involved in rope access activity or has work experience of less than 1000 hours until expiry of certificate validity can revalidate their certification at the current certified level.
- Candidate attends for revalidation shall undergo formal training and examination as same as initial certification.
Use And Misuse Of Certificate
- The issue of a certificate indicates that the holder has demonstrated an acceptable level of competence measured by means of IRACS examination in accordance with the prevailing requirements on the date indicated.
- Certificate holders or their employers must not use or refer to IRACS certificates, nor the IRACS logo, nor must they knowingly allow them to be used or referred to by a third party, in a manner that may be considered fraudulent or to bring the Certification Scheme into disrepute. The full conditions of use of the IRACS logo, or reference to IRACS certification are detailed in a separate document available from IRACS.
- All certificated personnel are required to keep a register of complaints made against them within the scope of the certificate of competence (Code of Ethics for certificate holders). Failure to keep such a register or failure to enter valid complaints in it will be construed as a misuse of the certificate and appropriate penalties will be applied. The register of complaints must be made available to the IRACS on request.
- The penalty for misuse of certification in all cases is invalidation of the certificate. If the misuse was in the public domain, publication of the transgression may also be undertaken. Any misuse, which appears to be an infringement of the law, will result in the matter being reported to the authorities.
- Certificates are valuable documents which should be kept in a safe place. Any suspicion of forgery or misrepresentation must be reported to IRACS. Loss or theft of certificates must be reported to the authorities and to IRACS.
- It is required that all certificate holders maintain a log demonstrating continuity in the application of the Rope Access activity for which they are certificated.
- New employers presented with certification should satisfy themselves that the certificate holder has been employed without significant interruption on work for which the certificate was granted. It is strongly recommended that the employer request sight of the certificate holder’s logbook.